
We welcome you to the press Area of the
Schreibmotorik Institut


Contact person press and PR work:

Institute Director

PD Dr. Tal Hoffmann

Mobile: +49 172  20 19 537
e-mail: tThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Schreibmotorik Institut in the German Media


November 2020

October 2019

August 2019

April 2019

March 2019

February 2019

January 2019

December 2018

November 2018

October 2018

August 2018

 June 2018

April 2018

March 2018

February 2018

January 2018

November 2017

October 2017

September 2017

August 2017

July 2017

June 2017

May 2017

March 2017

February 2017

January 2017

November 2016

October 2016

September 2016

August 2016

April 2016

March 2016

February 2016

October 2015

September 2015

August 2015

June 2015

May 2015

April 2015

March 2015

February 2015

January 2015

December 2014

November 2014

September 2014

August 2014

May 2014

Press Releases

September 2022
Mehr Bewegung in der Deutschstunde: Pilotschulen starten mit Übungen, die das Schreiben von Hand verbessern sollen (in German)

May 2022
Massive Probleme beim Handschreiben nach Corona (in German)

January 2022
Schön schreiben in der Schule? Ist out! (in German)

December 2021
Handschreiben in digitalisierter Schule wichtiger denn je (in German)

November 2021
Leidet das Handschreiben in der Corona-Kriese? VBE und Schreibmotorik Institut fragen Lehrkräfte (in German)

August 2021
Linkshänder können genauso schnell und leserlich schreiben wie Rechtshänder, wenn ... Tipps zum Welttag der Linkshänder (in German)

January 2021
Am 23. Januar ist der Tag der Handschrift – Schreibmotorik Institut veröffentlicht innovative Fördermaterialien für Lehrkräfte und Eltern (in German)

October 2019
Bilanz des 3.  International Symposium on Handwriting Skills 2019: Handschreiben muss besser gefördert werden! (in German)
Wie sich das Handschreiben breit fördern lässt: Internationales Symposium diskutiert aktuelle Befundeund praktische Erfahrungen (in German)

September 2019
Presseeinladung „Ist Handschreiben in der Schule verzichtbar? Wissenschaftler und Schulpraktiker diskutieren aktuelle Befunde“ (in German)

April 2019
Press conference on the STEP 2019 study results
Press release: More time for handwriting!
Detailed results of the STEP 2019 survey (in German)
Download press foto: Institute director Dr.-Ing. Marianela Diaz Meyer with Logo
Download press foto: Institute director Dr.-Ing. Marianela Diaz Meyer

January 2019
Handwriting Day: The Schreibmotorik Institut launches project for schools

November 2018
What’s the deal with handwriting? VBE and Schreibmotorik Institut ask teachers

January 2018
Handwriting Day: scientist demonstrates effective early promotion of writing motor skills

November 2017
Handwriting remains – even in the digital age. But…

October 2017
Most children start writing their name at the age of four

August 2017
Handwriting 2020” campaign: State Secretary Stefan Müller pledges political support

June 2017
Handwriting in the age of digitalisation – an international Symposium addresses the latest developments

May 2017
The ‘Scribble Mentors’ programme kicks off at PUMA

January 2017
Handwriting Day: improving the promotion of handwriting

February 2016 Press conference at Didacta
„Handwriting 2020“ campaign by the Schreibmotorik Institut and Didacta Association has begun
Detailed results of the parent survey 2016 conducted by The Schreibmotorik Institut and the Bundeselternrat [German Federal Parents Council] (German)

August 2015
Combating increasing problems with handwriting: teachers from Hesse want pupils to train their motor skills more effectively
Combating increasing problems with handwriting: teachers from North Rhine-Westphalia want pupils to train their motor skills more effectively

April 2015 Federal Press Conference
Press release: Survey of teachers clearly shows: problems with handwriting at school are increasing
Detailed survey results: Problems in handwriting development
Questionnaires: primary school teachers and secondary school teachers (in German)
Press area: Image service of the Schreibmotorik Institut

January 2015
National Handwriting Day: Teachers lament over pupils not able to write properly

November 2014
Motor skills prior to shape

April 2014
10 reasons to write by hand

February 2014
Expert Meeting: International dialogue with scientists and specialists from the fields of education, health care and sports

January 2014
The Schreibmotorik Institut in a nutshell

November 2013
Is handwriting on the brink of extinction? Experts demand better encouragement

Interview with Dr. Christian Marquardt: “Understanding how writing works”

February 2013
Foundation of the Schreibmotorik Institut



Press Releases of other Institutions

June 2012
Pilot project PH Vienna: “Learning to write the pain-free way”

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