
SMI KompetenzSpinneWriting analysis tool: SMI CompetenceWeb

The SMI CompetenceWeb (ger.: SMI KompetenzSpinne; Marquardt & Söhl, 2015; 2018) is a new, scientifically substantiated diagnostic instrument for determining basic writing motor skills in children between the ages of four and seven. It takes into consideration six competence areas: body posture, sitting posture and pen hold; basic motor skills and pen use; writing motor skills; sensomotoric perception; visual perception and motor behaviour.

Schreibanalysetool: Schreibmotorik KompetenzSpinne©

How well equipped are my pre-school children and/or the children in my class for writing lessons? A very important question, but also a difficult one. The motor skills of children who are learning to write are very disparate. Taking this into account and teaching all children efficient, flowing, legible and fatigue-free handwriting is a big challenge. The SMI CompetenceWeb will help you with this.

This easy-to-use screening process covers all central aspects of learning to write and can be easily integrated into lessons – unlike previous instruments for assessing school starters’ writing abilities, which either covered general motor skills or only individual aspects, and were often also very complex, expensive and more suited to a clinical setting.

How does the SMI CompetenceWeb work?

At the beginning, as part of the Schreibmotorik Screening Process, there is an introduction on how to carry out precise observation of children during specifically set core tasks. Information is provided about children’s spontaneous motion and action behaviour based on the SMI CompetenceWeb observation sheet, which is divided into six categories, each with five key questions. The attractive, visual design of the core tasks emphasises their play character and motivates the children to take part. Clearly defined and detailed materials are provided as copy templates for each task.

SMI KompetenzSpinneBy simply ticking off and adding up the answers on the observation sheet, an individual skills profile is created for each child. With the help of a graphical representation (“CompetenceWeb”), each child’s potential for development can be seen at a glance. This potential can be developed in a targeted manner using the included exercises.

What is the added value of the SMI CompetenceWeb?

Using the six observation focus points in the Screening Process, it is possible for the first time simply and reliably to assess a child’s sensorimotor and visuomotor perception, basic motor and graphomotor performance, motor behaviour, physical and sedentary posture and pencil holding. It primarily compares a child’s strengths with a list of basic graphomotor skills. SMI CompetenceWeb uses this to deliver a diagnosis which is innovative, graphic and scientifically substantiated. Based on this, targeted and preventative pedagogical support can be initiated.

Who does the SMI CompetenceWeb help?

The SMI CompetenceWeb supports teachers and educators in judging the development of a child’s handwriting at an early stage, and strengthens and systematises observation in regards to learning to write when children are starting school. This allows children to receive targeted support and assistance.

Who is the SMI CompetenceWeb designed for?

The SMI CompetenceWeb is predominantly for children between the ages of four and seven, in particular for the transition from pre-school to school and in the first and second years of school.


The SMI CompetenceWeb is now purchaseable as a PDF download.




MARQUARDT C.; SÖHL K.: SMI KompetenzSpinne. Ein Screeningverfahren zur Erfassung der Schreibfertigkeiten von Kindern (4-7 Jahre), 2. Edition. Heroldsberg: Schreibmotorik Institut e. V., 2018.

MARQUARDT C.; SÖHL K.: SMI KompetenzSpinne. Ein Screeningverfahren zur Erfassung der Schreibfertigkeiten von Kindern (4-7 Jahre), 1. Edition. Heroldsberg: Schreibmotorik Institut e. V., 2015.

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